A little blog for bits and bobs that, for whatever reason, aren’t right for the main portfolio site,.



Concept art by Adam Bolt.

Concept art by Adam Bolt.

This video almost entirely speaks for itself. I’m giving it a blog entry because I love it to pieces and I wanted to showcase some behind-the-scenes materials from it.

When Adam Bolt and I pitch for music videos, we’ll often send several ideas. And often some of those ideas are long shots - concepts that are far-out, or extremely juvenile, which are more Hail Marys rather than calculations of what will sell. Pitching often happens in compressed time frames, and that’s good, because I suspect if we had more time we might talk ourselves out of sending gonzo proposals. Most of the time nothing gets picked up. And when something does, it’s usually not one of the weird ones.

Katy Perry (God bless her) appreciated this pitch which gave us the rare opportunity to bring to life one of “the weird ones.” And for this, I’m extremely grateful.

Concept art by Adam Bolt.

Concept art by Adam Bolt.

Concept art by Adam Bolt.

Concept art by Adam Bolt.

A little look at the journey rough illustrations took to become a final music video. Illustrations by Adam Bolt & Brandon Bolt.

A small look into the journey from animatic to finished video. Illustrations by Adam Bolt & Brandon Bolt

Christopher Uchiyama